Professional Development Workshop for Teachers During Mid-Term Break

🏫 In pursuit of continuous improvement and advancement at the Nikoo International Educational Complex, a special event is planned during the mid-term break. This event, encompassing a Professional Development Workshop for Teachers and a Teachers’ Council Meeting, demonstrates our commitment to optimally utilizing time and enhancing our colleagues’ teaching skills.

The Importance of Collaboration and Synergy at Nikoo

👩‍🏫 Nikoo Educational Complex has always emphasized the importance of collaboration and idea-sharing with our esteemed teachers. We believe that cooperation and brainstorming in the Teachers’ Council create an environment conducive to all-around growth. These workshops offer an exceptional opportunity for knowledge enhancement and updating educational information for our colleagues.

📅 Workshop Schedule

– Sunday, 14th January | From 1 PM to 3 PM
– Monday, 15th January | From 9 AM to 2 PM

🔔 Note: Participation in these workshops is mandatory for all colleagues and is considered an opportunity to improve and elevate teaching skills.

📢 We are committed to our educational values and continuously strive for growth in teaching quality. These workshops symbolize our dedication to elevating academic standards and developing teaching skills among our valued colleagues. We invite all colleagues to participate in this significant event and contribute to enhancing their knowledge and skills.

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