Commemorating International Nurses Day at Nikoo Boys’ School

International Nurses Day May 12, 2024, was celebrated in a special and inspiring manner at the boys’ school of Nikoo International Educational Complex. This occasion was an opportunity to appreciate the efforts and sacrifices of Mrs. Shohreh Mohammadi with heartfelt paintings by preschool students. These paintings, themed around the help and support of nurses, reflected the children’s creative and innocent perspectives on human values and the importance of nurses’ roles.

On this day, Mrs. Mohammadi visited various classes to engage in discussions with the students. She listened to the students’ constructive suggestions for improving the school’s health and wellness department and shared her numerous experiences and memories from the year about her countless assists to the students. Her presence in the classes and direct interaction with the students provided a unique opportunity to transfer valuable experiences and enhance their health awareness.

International Nurses Day is a reminder of the tireless efforts and exemplary dedication of nurses in society. Nikoo School proudly appreciates the efforts of Mrs. Shohreh Mohammadi and other esteemed nurses and invites all students and families to contribute to the improvement of the school’s health and educational services by providing their suggestions and feedback.