Biology Department

Biology Department

In addition to biology’s exploration and classification of organisms, their structure, function, and evolution at various levels, it seems that a better understanding of biological phenomena in biology requires the application of creativity.

Using different methods for a better comprehension of biological topics and employing creative approaches requires a teacher who is firstly creative themselves, capable of improving their scientific abilities and updating them to manage scientific subjects, and blending this capability with artistic teaching.

The quality of a teacher’s instruction reflects their scientific, physical, and personal abilities. A teacher must have sufficient verbal skills. The use of verbal skills by the teacher makes learning better and more attractive.

Engaging students means creating a special desire or inclination for active exploration. The use of appropriate learning methods and techniques by teachers plays a significant role in engaging them in specific subjects. Three strategies are suggested for this engagement:

First, the student should be guided in a direction that allows them to gain a general understanding of biological subjects. Despite having been taught biology from a young age, most students lack a general understanding of the subject, and their basic knowledge is not capable of forming a comprehensive picture of their learnings, even at the level of biological theories and hypotheses. This gap is often felt when they enter university. Therefore, the student’s interest and focus should be concentrated on learning and mastering the content.

Second, more practical projects should focus on interdisciplinary projects centered around biological topics. These biology-focused projects will engage students.

Third, what the teacher teaches, even the basic knowledge, should be in line with the latest developments and should be explained in general, considering the limited class hours. This approach leads students to expand their knowledge and results in better learning of biology.