Registrations & Admissions
Academic Year 2022-23
Early Registration
March 2022 to August 2022
۱st Term End Date :December 22nd, ۲۰۲۲
۲nd Term End Date :May 22nd, ۲۰۲۳
Elementary School
Academic Year 2022-23
Early Registration
March 2022 to August 2022
۱st Term End Date :December 22nd, ۲۰۲۲
۲nd Term End Date :May 22nd, ۲۰۲۳
Junior High School School
Academic Year 2022-23
Early Registration
March 2022 to August 2022
۱st Term End Date :December 22nd, ۲۰۲۲
۲nd Term End Date :May 22nd, ۲۰۲۳
Senior High School School
Academic Year 2022-23
Early Registration
March 2022 to August 2022
۱st Term End Date :December 22nd, ۲۰۲۲
۲nd Term End Date :May 22nd, ۲۰۲۳

Niko International School
A new model in education “Education” has a different meaning in today’s world. If yesterday the main goal of education was to produce people who would become the same color as others, today they seek to educate those who can think and act independently while respecting other people and cultures. Education is formed that leads to the all-round development of children and teenagersHelp every person to live well.
“Niko International School” is a new and different educational environment that tries to play an effective role in personal and social development by using the latest scientific and educational achievements and the best approaches of international education.
The planning at Niko International School is based on the model of the single curriculum and conforms to the human values of the third millennium by adhering to global approaches in education. The goals of the training courses are in accordance with international protocols and help the development of the learner’s personality in all aspects and improve their learning, problem solving, creativity, life skills and talent. By understanding the needs and requirements of today’s life, we want to train students who:
Appointments & Bookings
Pre-Registration Counseling Appointment
Nikoo Camps & Events
Recreational & Educational Camps
Online Instruction
Login to Online Learning Panel
It is mandatory for all prospective students to take the school’s Psycological Assessment and English Language Placement Test upon registration. This is for the purpose of personalizing education for the student and improving experience at NIS.
Pre-registration Counseling
One-on-one interview sessions with parents to learn about the child’s growth, interests and abilities.
Child Evaluation
Assessing the child’s cognitive development and preferred learning styles and helping to improve memory, decision-making and problem-solving skills
Promoting emotional development
Promoting the child’s emotional development with life skills classes that boost emotional literacy through accepting negative feelings and coping with them.
Evaluation of interests
Assessing interest and personality model as well as providing information for high schoolers with an aim to help with their future academic and career choices.